About Us

Are you ready to find out what makes Brand Ambition so special?


You’re about to hear a lot of marketing buzz words that effortlessly describe why we exist. Feel free to identify with them or ignore them, but know this…


Brand Ambition is about family. Yours. Ours. And the generation we leave behind.

SEO First™ in every way.

The starting point for research online, search engines dominate discovery for new brand experiences. The large corporations dominate transactions, website traffic and ultimately online spaces, but search engines such as Google provide opportunities for organic revenue.

We know that it is no longer good enough to utilise SEO as a marketing medium or run a short-term campaign expecting ground-breaking results. SEO must be built into the foundation of every campaign, every piece of content and every PR campaign sent out.

So when Brand Ambition marks everything as SEO First™, it’s because we put it at the heart of our strategies and work out the pretty stuff around it.

We are family…

Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there is a bit of a weird vibe going on at BA.

It might be that we just finished an argument, or that we’ve openly expressed how great it is to be working together, whilst taking a brief moment to secretly slag off Auntie Carol. Or, it might be that a few of us are related and work really well together.

Of course, not all of us are family, that would be weird. But the founding Fathers; Robin, Jonathan and Sam are all related. So that’s kind of nice.

More than that though, our employees’ families are important too, and by that we mean we make sure they see them. We feel like it makes them happier people. Although, let’s face it sometimes we all need a break from the family vibe…

Here is a picture of a few of us on a night out pretending to be a work family.

Become your ambition

We get big agency results at freelance prices

We don’t really like to talk about exactly how much we charge people in public. With the exception of one of our services, but we are often about 30% to 50% cheaper than our “Big Agency” competitors. In fact, one client recently compared us against some freelancers and said we came out cheaper.

Why? and How?

Well, lets just say we know something they don’t. Like how to be affordable for SME’s, how to cut “bloat” from the budget and also our MD’s background is literally in optimisation. We’ve taken that approach and built up a set of super affordable services that means we still get awesome results, but you walk away feeling better about your marketing budget.

Just don’t take the mick. We’re affordable, not free.

We put people and honesty before profit

As part of our ongoing commitment to our staff and customers, we have built a company that puts more than just profit at the core of what we do. 

So, within our core values, we always put others first. We’re people before profit, which means that the money we make gets reinvested back into the company to support growth. This means we hire better and faster ensuring our clients’ accounts have the right amount of resources on them. 

Brutally Honest. Consistently Constructive.

Another one of our core values, means we’ll never sell you more than you need, we give honest feedback, but at the same time inform you and our staff on how to make it right.

It’s great when you can trust your agency to give you the right information, not just what you want to hear.

Strategically Smart

We care about what we leave behind.

With every value comes constant improvement. This one is important to us.

As a family-focused company it’s not just about the world we live in now, but the one we want to create. We’re constantly looking for ways that our marketing campaigns can not only support organisations with a socially conscious or ethical approach but also how we can ensure that our own impact on the environment is consistently lessened.

The digital contribution to growing carbon emissions is at the core of our ongoing innovation.

Oh…and we’re a marketing agency

Through all the ideas, values and bullsh*t we’re a marketing agency. 

To be specific we are an end-to-end digital brand marketing agency. That means we start at your brand design, give you the support and tools to market yourselves and then ultimately focus on lead generation.

Our role, is ultimately to drive more sales, more revenue and more customers. But we like to think we make you look good whilst doing it. 

So, if all you’re really after is a marketing partner that has a few different services to help give you back time to focus on your business, then Brand Ambition is a great fit for you.

Choose One


Get your Brand, Logo and Designs in order.

From logo design, branding rules and producing sales materials, the Excite phase of our digital marketing services sets the rules around your brand. Filling your team and customers with excitement for what is to come.


Web Design, Content and Technical SEO.

Looking to push your brand to the next level? Our ignite phase takes the rules and applies them. Building up the foundations and engaging with your customers.




Digital PR, Ads and Social Media Management

Set your sales on fire with a combination of digital marketing services with an SEO First approach.




Achieve your ambition

Let’s go grab a coffee. We’ve got a lot to talk about. It’s time to Excite. Ignite. and Explode. your business into reaching your ambitions.

Contact the MD on [email protected] or drop us a note to [email protected]