Static VS Dynamic Websites: How the power of Static Sites can revolutionise your business

Static VS Dynamic Websites: How the power of Static Sites can revolutionise your business

The History of Static vs Dynamic Websites

For much of the past 30-40 years, the technology behind how the web operates has largely remained the same. The standard model of a web page, sent to your web browser via a server in the form of HTML and displayed via the DOM has been the foundation of nearly all websites since the internet began. In the web 1.0 days, web pages were incredibly simple – often made up of basic text and images with very little interactivity or dynamic content. These pages, often referred to as ‘static’ web pages, were called so due to their simplistic, unchangable nature. The page you were served was the page you received, with little to no state changes, built in HTML, CSS & javascript purely on the client side, with no content being rendered on a backend server.


As the web evolved and the internet became a greater force in everyday life, the demands and use-case of websites also grew. People needed access to websites with increased functionality – access to databases, dynamic and changeable content, and increased interactivity that became the standard of a what a modern website was. Support for these kind of features usually had to be supported by the power of a server. This era saw the rise in PHP-based platforms like WordPress becoming the king of user-generated websites, bridging the gap with client & server side dynamic content generation. With WordPress, you can create dynamic websites that allow you to build templates, connect databases and create a site with multiple different interactive features – particularly blogs, which is what primarily drove it to become such a popular tool. This accessibility, combined with the breadth of customisable features available via plugins made WordPress almost unrivalled as a web-building platform for the past 20 years.


Over time however, even more technological advances have been made, with greater challenges presenting themselves. A large majority of the world no longer access the internet via a traditional desktop computer setup. Smart devices such as phones, watches and speakers all access the internet, and require content to be served and displayed to the user in multiple ways. These days websites need to be responsive, and Social Media platforms have grown beyond what the traditional web browser model can sustain. Javascript-based frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue & Svelte have completely revolutionised how content and applications are built and delivered, and this growing demand for high performance and multi-platform content is at odds with the feature-heavy, mutable builds of a traditional dynamic website.


This is where the modern Static site has now begun to shine. Instead of relying on a server to render and deliver sections of content in chunks to a browser – Static sites are fully built, immutable and ready to go directly from the client / browser. This allows them to be super speedy, perform excellently (because you don’t have to wait for the page content to be rendered from a server), with minimal page size. This lack of client-server communication also makes Static sites significantly more secure, as they have less vulnerabilities open during the page rendering process.


Static vs Dynamic Web Pages – What’s the Difference? By Academind


A common build for a modern Static Site is what’s known as a JAMStack – which stands for Javascript, API & Markup. You can find out more about the JAMStack in greater detail over on their website, here:


One of the major key differences between a JAMStack based Static site with a Headless CMS and a traditional all-in-one full stack web platform like WordPress is the customisability. There are multiple different platforms, frameworks, languages and APIs that you can choose to create your static-based site, and you can tailor it to what works best for your business and platform. Snipcart have a brilliant visual diagram example of what this looks like here:




The end result of this is a website with tons of scalability and high performance. However, this also comes at the expense of user accessibility. Whilst the platforms are relatively simple to update and create content on, the initial setup of a JAMStack website requires you to understand how all of the different composite parts interact. Whilst static site generators such as Next.JS, Hugo, Astro & Eleventy streamline the initial setup and deployment process with sites such as Netlify and CMS platforms like Decap and Contentful; knowledge on how to set up and create content for these sites requires coding and development experience, something that the average website user or business owner might not necessarily have.


With the right development partner, a static site with a Headless CMS could be an incredible solution for your business, provided you have the tools and setup to add content to the site via an accessible platform.




Heres an overall summary of the Pro’s and Con’s of Static Sites to help you assess if they can be the right solution for your business:


The Pros of Static Websites & Headless CMS


  • Excellent Performance and incredible page speeds, even on sites with high page counts due to the serverless nature of how content is built and delivered to the browser.
  • Highly Secure and safe – Without the server-browser connection, there are significantly less vulnerabilities available for people to exploit, making your website much safer and less open to attacks.
  • Customisable and tailored to your business – You can choose the technologies, tech stack, frameworks, platforms and APIs you want to add to your website instead of being tied to one platform or provider.


The Cons of Static Websites & Headless CMS


  • Steep Knowledge Curve for required for Setup – You need a good understanding of code, how frameworks and APIs work to ensure that your site is set up and optimised efficiently
  • Lots of Moving Parts – Although the site removes the server, having lots of different platforms and APIs supporting your site requires management and upkeep to ensure every aspect is kept up to date and well maintained.
  • Potentially Less User-friendly – Depending on the backend / CMS, a custom Static & Headless website can potentially be less accessible for users or members of staff to populate and work on, compared to a more established platform like WordPress.




At Brand Ambition, we’re dedicated to creating the best solutions for our clients, and we’re always looking into new and cutting-edge technology to help people get the most out of their SME’s and Businesses. If this sounds like it could be a solution for your business, get in touch and see how we can make a difference for your website.

My Journey into PPC and Online PR: My Career Journey (Part iii)

My Journey into PPC and Online PR: My Career Journey (Part iii)

As a digital marketing enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the diverse array of strategies and tools at our disposal. Recently, I decided to dive deeper into two areas that seemed both intriguing and essential, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and Online Public Relations (PR). Here’s a glimpse into the start of my journey learning these two distinct yet complementary realms of digital marketing.

Discovering the Power of PPC

PPC started with a blend of curiosity and necessity. I had been working on several organic campaigns and realised that while SEO is crucial, it can be a slow burn. I needed a different way to drive traffic and see results. Enter PPC.

Initially, the world of PPC felt overwhelming. Google Ads, keyword bidding, ad copy, Quality Scores—there was so much to grasp. I began with the basics, understanding how PPC works and the key terminology. I found Google’s free resources, particularly the Google Ads certification, to be incredibly helpful. They offered a structured way to learn, complete with quizzes and practical exercises.

Campaign Creation

Our resident expert gave me tasks to help learn the process of setting up a campaign, I was nervous. I started selecting a handful of keywords and phrases that were relevant to the campaign. Crafting the ad copy was a creative challenge—I had to be concise yet compelling, making every word count. Coming up with various ways to phrase a similar keyword. I think the real test will come when launching the campaign.

Although I am yet to launch a full campaign, PPC is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. I’m sure I’ll learn the importance of monitoring the campaigns closely. Using Google Analytics and click conversions. There is so much that goes into a campaign, it’s not something you can learn overnight or even in a few weeks. The learning process will take time but it’s a new area I look forward to.

Embarking on Online PR

Although my journey with PPC is not complete, I was told about the need to build a strong brand presence and reputation. That’s when my attention was turned to Online PR. Unlike PPC, which is more data-driven and immediate, PR requires a different skill set focused on storytelling and relationship-building. I started by understanding the fundamentals of PR—crafting press releases, building media lists, and pitching stories. It was crucial to identify the right outlets and journalists who would be interested in my content. I spent hours researching, reading industry blogs, and even reaching out to a few PR professionals for advice.

Crafting and Pitching Stories

Writing press releases was a new challenge. Unlike ad copy, PR writing had to be informative, engaging, and newsworthy. I wrote, rewrote, and edited countless drafts before feeling confident enough to send them out. Pitching stories was another hurdle—I had to craft personalised pitches, making sure they were relevant to each journalist’s interests. A great tool for this was the online Udemy course videos

Measuring Success

One of the trickiest parts of PR is measuring success. While PPC offers clear metrics like clicks and conversions, PR success is often more qualitative. However, a press release that we sent out has recently been picked up by a journalist and published. Which was a great feeling not just for myself but for the company as a whole.

Embarking on the journey of learning PPC and Online PR has been incredibly rewarding. Each has its unique challenges and rewards, but together, they have significantly enhanced my digital marketing toolkit. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand your skills, I encourage you to dive in and explore these dynamic areas of digital marketing. The lessons you’ll learn and the skills you’ll gain are invaluable in today’s digital landscape.

Looking for Paid or PR Support?

If you would like to check out our full range of web support services, then just click the link below.

How Google Ads Uses AI to Supercharge Your Ad Game

How Google Ads Uses AI to Supercharge Your Ad Game

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the competition is no small feat. Google Ads, a key player in online advertising, is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to help businesses create, manage, and optimise their ad campaigns like never before. Let’s dive into how Google Ads uses AI to make your ads more effective and find the winning combinations that drive results.

The AI Magic in Google Ads

Artificial intelligence is shaking things up in digital advertising by taking over complex tasks, providing valuable insights, and helping you target your audience more effectively. Here’s how Google Ads leverages AI

Automated Bidding

Forget about manually adjusting your bids. Google Ads uses AI to automatically optimise your bids in real-time, aiming for conversions or the highest conversion value. It predicts the likelihood of clicks and conversions, adjusting your bids to get the best bang for your buck.

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs)

RSAs are a perfect example of AI at work. You supply multiple headlines and descriptions, and Google’s AI tests different combinations to see what works best. This constant experimentation helps ensure your ads are always relevant and engaging.

Ad Copy Optimization

AI digs into performance data to suggest tweaks to your ad copy. It figures out which keywords, phrases, and calls-to-action get the most love from your audience, helping you refine your message for maximum impact.

Audience Targeting

Google Ads uses AI to build detailed profiles of your ideal audience based on their behaviour, interests, and demographics. This means your ads get in front of the right people. Plus, AI can find lookalike audiences, expanding your reach to potential new customers who are just like your best ones.

Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs)

DSAs use AI to automatically generate ads based on your website content. By scanning your site, AI matches relevant search queries with dynamic ads, keeping your campaigns fresh and relevant.


How AI Analyses Ad Performance

AI isn’t just about creating ads; it’s also crucial for analysing how well they perform. Here’s how AI helps with this:

Performance Insights

Google Ads provides AI-driven insights into which parts of your ads (headlines, descriptions, images) are performing the best. These insights help you understand what’s working and what’s not, so you can continuously improve.

Predictive Analytics

AI can forecast future trends and performance based on past data. This helps you anticipate changes in user behaviour and adjust your strategies proactively.

Real-Time Reporting

With AI, you get real-time reports and analysis, giving you immediate feedback on your campaigns. This allows for quick adjustments to optimise performance and seize new opportunities.

Attribution Modelling

AI helps you understand the customer journey by accurately attributing conversions to different touchpoints. This gives you a clear picture of how various ads and keywords contribute to your overall success, helping you allocate your budget more effectively.


Tips for Getting the Most Out of AI in Google Ads

To make the most of AI in Google Ads, keep these tips in mind:

Embrace Automation

Use automated bidding strategies and responsive ad formats. Let AI handle the heavy lifting of optimising bids and ad combinations.

Provide Quality Inputs

Make sure the headlines, descriptions, and keywords you provide are top-notch. Better inputs lead to better AI-driven results.

Monitor and Adjust

Even though AI does a lot, it’s important to regularly check your performance reports and insights. Make adjustments as needed to stay aligned with your goals.

Test and Learn

Keep experimenting with different ad variations and strategies. Use AI insights to refine your approach and improve over time.

Stay Updated

AI technology is always evolving. Stay informed about the latest features and updates in Google Ads to ensure you’re using the most advanced tools available.


AI is a game-changer in Google Ads, automating complex tasks, providing deep insights, and optimising ad performance. By embracing AI, businesses can achieve better results with less effort. As AI technology continues to evolve, its impact on advertising will only grow, making it an essential tool for any digital marketer. Dive into AI-powered Google Ads today and watch your advertising efforts soar.

Looking for Paid Ads Support?

If you would like to check out our full range services, then just click the link below.

The Micro-Goal Method

The Micro-Goal Method

How Small Wins Propel Marketing Success

Spring…there’s a surprise, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on our progress and celebrate achievements. This time of year is often a point of reflection with new budgets being set for the next year or a review of strategies placed in Q1. 

So how are you doing? Are you on track to hit your goals in 2024.

For us, the first quarter has already slipped by, and if it’s any indication, we’re on a trajectory to a year filled with triumphs and growth.

At our agency, we’ve embraced a philosophy that’s proven to be a game-changer: the power of micro-goals.

 This approach isn’t just about breaking down your grand vision into smaller, more manageable tasks. It’s a testament to how these bite-sized objectives can fuel remarkable outcomes, particularly in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

The Science Behind Micro-Goals

The concept of micro-goals is deeply rooted in behavioural psychology. It draws from the principle that our brains are wired to seek and celebrate achievements, no matter the scale.

 When we set and accomplish micro-goals, we experience a surge of dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. This not only boosts our morale but also enhances our motivation, propelling us to tackle subsequent goals with increased zeal and focus.

In the realm of marketing, where every click, view, and engagement counts, leveraging micro-goals allows us to chart a course through the tumultuous waters of digital strategies with precision and adaptability.

Case in Point: E-commerce Success Story

Our recent experience with an e-commerce client illustrates the efficacy of the micro-goal method beautifully. During our initial Explore and Audit phase, we identified the product page content as the key area for improvement across the site. 

Ultimately, there just wasn’t enough of the right type of content on each product page. A basic description and a few key bullet points. There was nothing to set them apart from any other competitor.

We then devised a content strategy segmented into weekly micro-goals, ensuring each task was actionable and aligned with our broader objectives. Over two months, this meticulous approach enabled us to craft and deploy over 60 pages of optimised content, setting the stage for an additional 100 pages.

Our process is methodical yet dynamic, adapting to the insights we glean at each step:

  • SEO Research: We dissect search trends and user behaviour to pinpoint opportunities.
  • Competitor Analysis with AI Support: Leveraging technology, we uncover gaps and advantages in our client’s market presence.
  • Content Team Writing: Our creatives translate insights into compelling, value-driven content.
  • SEO Team Uploading: Optimisation isn’t just about keywords; it’s about ensuring content resonates and ranks.

By the third month, our client witnessed a phenomenal 101% increase in top 10 SERP rankings—a clear testament to the effectiveness of focused, incremental efforts.

Why Micro-Goals Work in Marketing

Clarity and Focus – Micro-goals transform vague aspirations into clear, actionable steps, enabling teams to maintain focus and direction.

Agility – In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the ability to pivot quickly is invaluable. Micro-goals facilitate rapid adjustments based on real-time data and feedback.

Accountability – When objectives are delineated so precisely, it’s easier to track progress and hold each team member accountable for their contributions.

Momentum – Each small win builds confidence and momentum, driving teams forward with renewed energy and determination.

As we continue to navigate the year, we’re excited to apply the micro-goal methodology across our diverse portfolio of clients, each time refining and enhancing our approach to yield even greater successes.

Celebrating Every Victory

We encourage you to embrace the micro-goal approach, whether in marketing or any aspect of business and life. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how minor it may seem, for it’s the sum of these victories that culminates in grand achievements.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with micro-goals and how they’ve impacted your professional journey. Share your stories and let’s inspire each other to reach new heights.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step—or, in our case, a micro-goal.

Self Employment – Is it Caaake?

Self Employment – Is it Caaake?

Is self-employment a piece of cake? Or does it have hidden layers?

Feels a bit weird comparing self employment to a Netflix TV show, but stay with us.

When you compare it to the hit Netflix show “Is it Cake?” where participants create cakes mimicking everyday objects, the metaphor begins to make sense.

Self-employment, much like the crafty cakes in the show, might look like an ordinary job (or object) from the outside. But once you cut into it, you reveal layers of uniqueness that distinguish it from traditional employment.

Why Self-Employment Mirrors an Ordinary Job

Just like the astonishingly realistic cakes on “Is it Cake?”, self-employment can often mimic the image of a traditional, salaried job.

It features clients, deadlines, and routine tasks. Yet, beneath this familiar facade, the reality of self-employment is as different from a regular job as a cake is from a handbag.

The Office for National Statistics reports that self-employment experienced a 15-year low as a direct result of Covid. In December 2019, self employment experienced a peak of 15.3% of the total UK employment workforce being self employed.

This was just over 5 million people.

Fast forward to March 2022, and although in recent months the figures are on the rise, we are at the same levels as we were 15 years ago for the number of people self-employed at only 12.3% of the working public classed as “Self-Employed”

Cutting into the Cake: The Reality of Self-Employment

What do we find when we cut into the ‘cake’ of self-employment?

Inside are layers of autonomy and creativity that a traditional 9-5 job often lacks. The freedom to choose clients, set your own schedule, and direct your business is a sweet bite that many are chasing.

In fact, according to IPSE, Association of Independent Professionals and the Self Employed, 80% of freelancers recorded a somewhat positive impact to their mental health.

The key reasons people go freelance are for the flexibility (88%) and control over work (88%) it offers

The Challenges: Every Cake Has Its Crumbs

Much like any cake, self-employment also has its tougher, crumbly parts. It comes with unique challenges – financial instability, irregular work hours, and a potential sense of isolation.

Funnily enough, studies on the index of happiness for the self-employed are fairly hard to come by but a comparison report of employed vs self-employed during covid published by the national library of Medicine, focusing on EU countries found a few interesting stats:

  • There was a significantly lower level of life satisfaction among self-employed people (6.10 on a scale of 1 to 10) than among employed people (6.45 on a scale of 1 to 10) during the pandemic.
  • There was no significant difference in life satisfaction between self-employed people who had employees compared to those who did not (6.15 versus 6.08 on a scale of 1 to 10).
  • 32% of self-employed people reported poor household finances during the pandemic, compared to 20% of employed people.
  • 64% of self-employed people reported a deteriorating financial situation during the pandemic, compared to 35% of employed people.
  • 50% of self-employed people reported worries about work during the pandemic, compared to 27% of employed people.
  • 22% of self-employed people reported job insecurity during the pandemic, compared to 13% of employed people.
  • Around half of self-employed people reported having a financially fragile situation during the pandemic.
  • 46% of self-employed people reported difficulties in making ends meet during the pandemic.

So we can assume in times of crisis, such as Covid or even the cost of living crisis, that those that are self-employed are more likely to get stressed over finances.

Cake? Not Cake?

Ultimately, being self-employed has provided me with the freedom to spend with my family, set my own hours and I’ve loved seeing the company we work so hard on continue to grow year after year, but from my personal experience, it isn’t all sweetness.

Cake Not Cake
1. Independence and Control: Self-employed individuals have the freedom to make their own decisions and control their work. 1. Financial Instability: Income may fluctuate month to month, making financial planning more challenging.
2. Flexibility: The ability to set your own hours and work from anywhere can lead to better work-life balance. 2. Irregular Work Hours: Depending on the workload, self-employed individuals might end up working long and irregular hours.
3. Direct Financial Rewards: The potential for financial gain can be much higher, as you directly reap the benefits of your efforts. 3. Lack of Benefits: Self-employed individuals don’t receive benefits like health insurance, paid leave, or retirement contributions from an employer.
4. Personal Satisfaction: Creating and running a successful business can provide a sense of personal achievement and job satisfaction. 4. Isolation: Working alone can sometimes lead to a feeling of isolation.
5. Creativity and Innovation: Self-employment can offer more opportunities to innovate and pursue creative ideas. 5. Administrative Burden: Self-employed individuals are responsible for all aspects of the business, including taxes, accounting, and administration.

Is it Caaake?

So, is self-employment a piece of cake?

Much like the illusionary cakes on the Netflix show, it might appear as a regular job but reveal a very different reality when you delve into it.

It’s a complex recipe of autonomy, creativity, challenges, and risks. As more people turn to self-employment, understanding this mixture can help them navigate this path successfully, savouring the sweet rewards while also handling the occasional bitter bites.

Side note…

This post was inspired/stolen from a conversationI had on Threads app…with @tomjepsoncreative and if you don’t know what the ThreadsApp is, then I’m not sure this was the right blog for you.


For the record, he gave us permission to steal it here.