My Journey into PPC and Online PR: My Career Journey (Part iii)

My Journey into PPC and Online PR: My Career Journey (Part iii)

As a digital marketing enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the diverse array of strategies and tools at our disposal. Recently, I decided to dive deeper into two areas that seemed both intriguing and essential, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and Online Public Relations (PR). Here’s a glimpse into the start of my journey learning these two distinct yet complementary realms of digital marketing.

Discovering the Power of PPC

PPC started with a blend of curiosity and necessity. I had been working on several organic campaigns and realised that while SEO is crucial, it can be a slow burn. I needed a different way to drive traffic and see results. Enter PPC.

Initially, the world of PPC felt overwhelming. Google Ads, keyword bidding, ad copy, Quality Scores—there was so much to grasp. I began with the basics, understanding how PPC works and the key terminology. I found Google’s free resources, particularly the Google Ads certification, to be incredibly helpful. They offered a structured way to learn, complete with quizzes and practical exercises.

Campaign Creation

Our resident expert gave me tasks to help learn the process of setting up a campaign, I was nervous. I started selecting a handful of keywords and phrases that were relevant to the campaign. Crafting the ad copy was a creative challenge—I had to be concise yet compelling, making every word count. Coming up with various ways to phrase a similar keyword. I think the real test will come when launching the campaign.

Although I am yet to launch a full campaign, PPC is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. I’m sure I’ll learn the importance of monitoring the campaigns closely. Using Google Analytics and click conversions. There is so much that goes into a campaign, it’s not something you can learn overnight or even in a few weeks. The learning process will take time but it’s a new area I look forward to.

Embarking on Online PR

Although my journey with PPC is not complete, I was told about the need to build a strong brand presence and reputation. That’s when my attention was turned to Online PR. Unlike PPC, which is more data-driven and immediate, PR requires a different skill set focused on storytelling and relationship-building. I started by understanding the fundamentals of PR—crafting press releases, building media lists, and pitching stories. It was crucial to identify the right outlets and journalists who would be interested in my content. I spent hours researching, reading industry blogs, and even reaching out to a few PR professionals for advice.

Crafting and Pitching Stories

Writing press releases was a new challenge. Unlike ad copy, PR writing had to be informative, engaging, and newsworthy. I wrote, rewrote, and edited countless drafts before feeling confident enough to send them out. Pitching stories was another hurdle—I had to craft personalised pitches, making sure they were relevant to each journalist’s interests. A great tool for this was the online Udemy course videos

Measuring Success

One of the trickiest parts of PR is measuring success. While PPC offers clear metrics like clicks and conversions, PR success is often more qualitative. However, a press release that we sent out has recently been picked up by a journalist and published. Which was a great feeling not just for myself but for the company as a whole.

Embarking on the journey of learning PPC and Online PR has been incredibly rewarding. Each has its unique challenges and rewards, but together, they have significantly enhanced my digital marketing toolkit. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand your skills, I encourage you to dive in and explore these dynamic areas of digital marketing. The lessons you’ll learn and the skills you’ll gain are invaluable in today’s digital landscape.

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Using AI to Write Content

Using AI to Write Content

AI is becoming more prevalent in our everyday lives. From self-driving cars to smart speakers, AI is being integrated into almost every aspect of our daily lives. With the rise of artificial intelligence, businesses are using it to improve their customer service and marketing strategies. In fact, some companies are even using AI to write content.

AI for Business: How AI Will Change Everything - Soda PDF Blog

By making use of this new technology you can have AI:

  • AI that writes content for you – no need to write anything yourself
  • Write articles and press releases for you
  • Create social media posts for you
  • Schedule tweets and Facebook updates for you
  • Research topics for you
  • Find relevant images for you
  • Provide answers to questions for you
  • Do all this at a fraction of the cost of human writers

This is not only useful for small business owners but also for bloggers who want to automate part of their work routine. You don’t need to hire people or pay them monthly salaries to help with your blog. There are many applications that do most of the work for you.

The best thing about these tools is that they are always learning from previous tasks. They get better over time. The more data you feed them, the smarter they become. So if you want to make sure that your content is up to date, then you should keep feeding it with fresh information.

Aside from saving time and money, using AI for content writing also helps you save on writer’s block. When you’re stuck on what to write next, just ask an AI tool to generate ideas for you.

WritersBlock running away balloon Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

Here are 3 AI tools that will help you create great content faster than ever before:

1. CoSchedule

CoSchedule has been around since 2009 and was one of the first platforms to offer AI-powered content creation. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze your website traffic and find out which types of content perform well. Based on this analysis, it generates content recommendations for you.

You can choose between two different plans: Basic ($99/mo) and Premium ($199/mo). Both include unlimited submissions, scheduled publishing, and analytics. However, the premium plan includes additional features such as access to advanced reporting, custom domains, and mobile apps.

2. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is another platform that uses AI to provide insights on trending topics. It analyzes millions of pieces of content and finds patterns in terms of popularity, influencers, and competitors.

BuzzSumo provides three different plans: Free, Pro ($29/mo), and Enterprise (starting at $299/mo). All plans allow you to track keywords, monitor competitor rankings, and see how often users share your content. However, the enterprise plan comes with additional features like real-time alerts, competitive intelligence reports, and API integration.

3. is a web application that allows you to quickly create and publish content. It offers both free and paid versions. While the free version limits you to 500 words per post, the paid version gives you an unlimited word count.

The app works by analyzing the text you type and suggests related phrases based on its database of over 50 million phrases. It also lets you add multimedia files and links to support your points.

Frequently Asked Questions about AI content writing:

Q: How does AI content writing work?

A: AI programs are able to read through thousands of pages of text and find patterns within those texts. By analyzing these patterns, they come up with suggestions and recommendations for future content.

Q: What kind of content can I create with AI?

A: You can use AI to write any type of content including blog posts, product descriptions, sales letters, press releases, web copy, etc.

Q: Is there any limit to the number of words I can include when creating content with AI?

A: No! As long as the source material has enough words, you will be fine. However, the quality of the output may suffer if the source material is too short.

Q: Can I use AI to write my whole website?

A: No. It is impossible to use AI to write everything on a website. Even though you might think that you could train an AI program to write your entire site, it would take years before the program became good enough to produce high-quality content for every single page.

Q: Does AI content writing require special skills?

A: Not really. Anyone can use AI to write content.

If you still aren’t sure about AI written content and if it can pass as human written, just take a look at this blog and guess what wrote it.

Why some of the best PR that you can do is your own.

Why some of the best PR that you can do is your own.

April is here and as the weather gets warmer and the days get longer it feels like for the first time in a long time, the world is starting to finally move forward again. 

This spring feels like a big one and not just because of the previously mentioned longer and warmer days, there is a real positivity that genuinely hasn’t been felt for close to a year. 

Like most people, I’ve been reflecting on the last 12 months. The impact that Covid has had, not just on me personally but the industry we work in and how it has changed. 

Yes, there have been some pretty major shifts in working – all of which we are VERY aware of by now so I won’t go into them in much detail here. However in some instances, certain things really haven’t changed at all. 

For me, the one thing that has stayed the same during this whole Covid-wrecked year, is that the best PR that you can do, whether it’s for you personally or your business, is your own. 

By that, I don’t mean having flashy social media accounts that boast about what you’ve been up to or the car that you’re driving etc. What I mean is, what are you like as a person? How are you to work with? What would people say about you if you’re not there? And can you deliver on what you say you’re good at?

The reason I think this is just as vitally important now, perhaps more than ever, is that one of the major shifts we’ve seen over the last year is the number of people that are setting up businesses on their own.

Whether it is due to redundancy, a change in circumstance or just wanting to go in a different direction, a quick look across LinkedIn shows just how many people are going it alone or in pairs. 

Brand Ambition was formed by Sam and Robin during this last year, and I’ve seen first-hand just how important a person’s personal brand actually is when it comes to setting up your own business a success. 

Sam is an extremely popular person in the digital marketing industry across Leeds and the rest of West Yorkshire. Robin has a great reputation across design, advertising and branding in Northern Ireland and further afield. 

We recently went out with a press release that covered the launch Brand Ambition, the first six months of the business and the success. The response has been brilliant. That doesn’t happen purely because of our USP of helping SMEs. It’s because Sam and Robin have spent time doing their own good PR by building solid reputations for years. 

A quick look across the marketing industry as a whole and you’ll see plenty of businesses and freelancers that are successful for that exact reason too. I can name a few off the top of my head without even thinking about it. I could also name a few, both people and organisations, that have got shocking reputations too. 

It’s all well and good going into an interview or a new business pitch saying that you’ll deliver X ROI or will generate Y amount of coverage or will earn Z links. What matters is how you act in between. It’s all well and good doing the work, but if you’re a bit of a dick? You’re probably not going to be at that business very long or have your retainer renewed. 

We’re entering a world where there are more choices than ever before for brands to choose from when they’re looking for marketing services. Empathy and kindness has been such a big takeaway from the last year, that I firmly believe that those businesses won’t just choose the biggest or cheapest agencies. 

More than ever, they’ll go with the ones that share their values and approaches. Alongside what you can deliver, they’ll want to know about how you act and how you are to work with. How can you demonstrate that? By doing the best bit of PR you can do – your own.